


Babara Ngum's activity

From 07/17/2023 to 08/15/2023


03:45 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 4.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480 (In Progress): Retention CQI and online report validation. )
Retention follow-up and CQI, Babara Ngum
03:45 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480: Retention CQI and online report validation.
Continuation of tracking of clients whose numbers were not available yesterday.
- Their patient files were removed ...
Babara Ngum
03:39 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1560 (New): Pediatric center of excellence
> Retention/support group/Adolescent club and DSD
* Day 1
- Started with a pretest
- Debriefing of participants o...
Babara Ngum
03:22 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 1.00 hour (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477 (In Progress): Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing)
Pediatric center of excellence Babara Ngum
03:22 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477: Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing
The post and pretest results were communicated today with great improvement by the pediatric APS and slight improveme... Babara Ngum


05:27 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1557 (New): Retention/Viral load
- Began group calls at PHC (which will be continued with the major) and register checks for APS which was not up to d... Babara Ngum
05:20 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480: Retention CQI and online report validation.
> Group calls/Retention CQI action plan follow-up.
- Notification of clients eligible for pickup during the week ...
Babara Ngum
05:20 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 6.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480 (In Progress): Retention CQI and online report validation. )
Retention follow-up and CQI, Call Center/VL Babara Ngum
04:50 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 1.00 hour (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477 (In Progress): Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing)
Pediatric center of excellence Babara Ngum
04:50 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477: Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing
- Rounded up with the disclosure, transition, and optimization,
- Gave post-test which will be corrected and handed...
Babara Ngum


04:10 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 1.00 hour (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1511 (In Progress): Viral load monitoring and group calls. )
Viral load follow-up Babara Ngum
04:10 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1511: Viral load monitoring and group calls.

Phone call mentoring session with major and APS to ensure that group call sessions for viral monitoring were ongoin...
Babara Ngum
04:06 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1548 (New): Viral load cascade monitoring
CMA Elig-essono
> Viral load cascade (HVL/EAC, ELIGIBILITY)
- Ensured all clients eligible for either 1st, 2nd, and...
Babara Ngum


04:53 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480: Retention CQI and online report validation.
- Completed with CQI documentation with major and it is up to date. Tracking and documentation as per recommendation ... Babara Ngum
04:53 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 4.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480 (In Progress): Retention CQI and online report validation. )
Retention follow-up and weekly data validation Babara Ngum
04:13 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 2.00 hours (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477 (In Progress): Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing)
Pediatric center of excellence Babara Ngum
04:13 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477: Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing
- Started today with role plays on disclosure with my team. They still have a few gaps with regards to pediatric ARV ... Babara Ngum
04:00 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 2.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1511 (In Progress): Viral load monitoring and group calls. )
Viral follow-up from yesterdays group call Babara Ngum
04:00 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1511 (In Progress): Viral load monitoring and group calls.
- From the calls of yesterday with regards to viral load uptake, we were able to attain just 50% (60 samples) of our ... Babara Ngum


03:57 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1511 (In Progress): Viral load monitoring and group calls.
- Started group calls for viral load sample collection.
- Will monitor collection rate weekly to ensure progress.
Babara Ngum
03:52 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 4.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480 (In Progress): Retention CQI and online report validation. )
Retention follow-up and CQI, Babara Ngum
03:52 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480: Retention CQI and online report validation.
-Completed the CQI project on retention. will be monitoring its progress subsequently. and change action plans as per... Babara Ngum
03:40 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 2.00 hours (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477 (In Progress): Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing)
Pediatric center of excellence Babara Ngum
03:40 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477 (In Progress): Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing
Continuation of yesterday's session. Today debriefing on Transition, disclosure, and optimization was done. those con... Babara Ngum


04:07 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 2.00 hours (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477 (In Progress): Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing)
Pediatric center of excellence Babara Ngum
04:07 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477: Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing
group work with testers and PMTCT APS for a Proposed plan of action to improve testing of children and siblings. thi... Babara Ngum
12:59 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477 (In Progress): Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing
- working on the status announcement, transition, and Treatment Optimization.
- Pre-test for st...
Babara Ngum
04:04 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480 (In Progress): Retention CQI and online report validation.
- Slow progress on documentation of retention CQI as the major is the one taking the lead with that. she h...
Babara Ngum
04:04 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 6.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480 (In Progress): Retention CQI and online report validation. )
Retention follow-up and datd validation Babara Ngum
04:02 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480 (In Progress): Retention CQI and online report validation.
- Slow progress on documentation of retention CQI as the major is the one taking the lead with that. she h...
Babara Ngum
10:29 AM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1474 (In Progress): Viral data analysis and creation of action plan to improve performance
- Worked on action plans to improve viral load indicators for respective sites which will be followed ...
Babara Ngum

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