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Estimated time: 731.00 Spent time: 666.00

# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Estimated time Spent time % Done
620 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Organize Cluster refreshers and audio visual support for selected expert clients in post test counseling activities (50 EC in the Center / 30 EC in the East) 07/18/2023 12:56 PM 0.00

619 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Select, orient and mentor expert clients in counseling techniques and linkage to ART 07/18/2023 12:56 PM 0.00

618 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Enhance confidentiality and privacy at facilities 07/18/2023 12:54 PM 0.00

617 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Redesign clinic to be more welcoming to men including male only places/corners, waiting areas, specific male only hours and more male images in clinic (posters) 07/18/2023 12:54 PM 0.00

616 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Provide flexible services for men (reducing waiting time for men, fast tracking men services etc) 07/18/2023 12:53 PM 0.00

615 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Reinforce the counseling of male clients to optimize Partner disclosure of HIV status 07/18/2023 12:53 PM 0.00

614 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Train men peer mentors to reinforce linkage of male clients in selected facilities, provide peer gender support for men, set up focused group discussions for men 07/18/2023 12:52 PM 0.00

613 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Identify peer mentors to be train in selected pilot sites 07/18/2023 12:52 PM 0.00

612 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Avail ARV in TB units , maternity/labour room, and emergency unit for immediate ART initiation by trained service providers 07/18/2023 12:51 PM 0.00

611 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Daily triangulation of linkage records of cases initiated during extended hours or in entry points other than the UPEC 07/18/2023 12:51 PM 0.00

610 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Extend implementation of ARV starter packs through the general pharmacy and/or in clinician consultation rooms when ART pharmacies have closed to allow ART initiation for patients identified outside pharmacy hours 07/18/2023 12:50 PM 0.00

609 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Assess all the facilities and Identify those able to Implement ARV starter pack model 07/18/2023 12:50 PM 0.00

608 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Optimize linkage among men using male friendly clinics and extended hours for linkage 07/18/2023 12:52 PM 0.00

607 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Integrated HIV testing and treatment services with other services such as STD, TB 07/18/2023 12:51 PM 0.00

606 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Support availability of immediate ART, offered as a starter pack upon testing 07/18/2023 12:50 PM 0.00

605 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Work with heads of units other than UPEC to identify linkage gaps and improve patient flow 07/18/2023 12:47 PM 0.00

604 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Support facility performance meetings to review individual tester linkage-to-treatment data, among other indicators with the aim to build provider capacity to use data and subsequently inform performance reviews and quality improvement processes 07/18/2023 12:46 PM 0.00

603 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Provide extended hours service at the pharmacy/UPEC (transport reimbursement, airtime,) for ART initiation during clinics opening hours, night shifts, weekends and public holidays in collaboration with facility Pharmacists 07/18/2023 12:45 PM 0.00

602 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Capacitate APS on therapeutic education to initiate pre/post test counseling, prepare clients for immediate ART initiation, and provide information on stigma reduction and U=U (undetectable equals untransmittable) messaging 07/18/2023 12:45 PM 0.00

601 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Provide supporting tools and logistics to enable linkage, including linkage registers, tracking logbooks for linkage, referral forms and information, education, and communication (IEC) materials on treatment support both at community and facility levels 07/18/2023 12:44 PM 0.00

600 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Conduct mentoring sessions of the KP Focal points and all stakeholders in facilities for adequate knowledge on KP activities and KP Friendly services aiming to improve linkage and retention among KP in supported facilities 07/18/2023 12:43 PM 2.00

599 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Proper documentation using linkage register, referal slip 07/18/2023 12:41 PM 0.00

598 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Provide Regular joint technical assistance visits with both parties (OVC community partner and TIDE program team) to ensure improved collaboration 07/18/2023 12:40 PM 0.00

597 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Conduct monitoring and evalution of linkage service of children using monthly triangulation/validation meetings with all actors 07/18/2023 12:40 PM 0.00

596 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Implement referal of OVC clients needing additional services at CBOs 07/18/2023 12:39 PM 0.00

(1026-1050/1379) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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