



From 09/15/2023 to 10/14/2023


12:07 PM 8.00 hours (Obj. 11: Program Management #1737 (New): weekly zoom CQI meeting to follow up site activities)
Weekly CQI activities and presentation of all program areas Sharon
12:06 PM 8.00 hours (Obj. 9: Data management #1583 (New): Weekly data validation)
data validation and triangulation of key indicators onsite and validation of APS tracking tools for entry into the on... Sharon
11:27 AM 8.00 hours (Obj. 9: Data management #1583 (New): Weekly data validation)
data validation and triangulation of key indicators onsite and validation of APS tracking tools for entry into the on... Sharon
11:58 AM 8.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1709 (New): Retention Tracking to maintain positive trend.)
continuous tracking of clients lost to maintain a positive trend. for Jamot and CSI Emana Sharon
11:46 AM 8.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1591 (New): Individual tracking session with all retention APS on the remaining 1months clients, missed appointments, and PDVS)
follow p of tracking outcomes per APS and validation of home visits to be carried out by the APS, retention at the en... Sharon
11:40 AM 3.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1591 (New): Individual tracking session with all retention APS on the remaining 1months clients, missed appointments, and PDVS)
follow up of racking activities per loss per APS and retention recorded today stood at -130% Sharon
11:23 AM 4.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1591 (New): Individual tracking session with all retention APS on the remaining 1months clients, missed appointments, and PDVS)
Tracking of one- and two-month absences including Patients L2FU, call centers were supervised by Coordo, major and cl... Sharon
11:42 AM 2.00 hours (Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1163 (New): Organize and participate in monthly UPEC coordination/data validation meetings for facilties with both UPEC and TB Unit)
Coordiation meeting with CTA staff for the month of September Sharon
11:39 AM 8.00 hours (Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1163 (New): Organize and participate in monthly UPEC coordination/data validation meetings for facilties with both UPEC and TB Unit)
Coordination meeting with all UPEC staff at CSI emana and APS Evalautions Sharon
11:41 AM 3.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1548 (New): Viral load cascade monitoring )
Finalized CDC request on viremic clients eligible for resistance testing Sharon
11:25 AM 4.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1548 (New): Viral load cascade monitoring )
worked on the CDC request for clients on 2nd line who are eligible for resistance testing Sharon


10:41 AM 3.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1709 (New): Retention Tracking to maintain positive trend.)
Supported in the CQI meeting with majors on retention performance at Jamot Sharon
09:54 AM 2.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1709 (New): Retention Tracking to maintain positive trend.)
updates on tracking activities at Emana, and review of HTS and HTS_POS with documentation Sharon
10:40 AM 5.00 hours (Obj. 11: Program Management #1683 (New): CQI meeting )
Reviewed project slides and participated in the TB strategic meeting with CDC-HQ and Cameroon teams on Pediatric TB o... Sharon
09:44 AM 1.00 hour (Obj. 11: Program Management #1683 (New): CQI meeting )
Organaised a meeting with consultants at the CTA in Jamot to re-evaluate the patient flow and renew of clients ordonn... Sharon
10:37 AM 4.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #799 (New): Establish ‘modified’ viremia clinics in supported facilities using VL champions and Focal points)
worked on CDC request for resistance testing of clients on 2&3rd line regimen a total of 568 clients, of whom, 167 ha... Sharon
10:22 AM 2.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #799 (New): Establish ‘modified’ viremia clinics in supported facilities using VL champions and Focal points)
support group activities with APS and viremic clients, exchange of experience and difficulties and resolutions taken. Sharon
10:33 AM 4.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1656 (In Progress): follow-up du tracking)
tracking activities with APS at CSI Emana, and verification of registers, CCM, tracking tool and agenda. out of 9 IIT... Sharon
10:30 AM 8.00 hours (Obj. 11: Program Management #1626 (New): CQI Meetings)
Exposé/refresher done by APS retention agents on Non-observance, patients rights, PrEP and 3HP presented by the major Sharon
10:12 AM 4.00 hours (Obj. 11: Program Management #1626 (New): CQI Meetings)
briefing meeting with APS, for Global vax on the recommendations from GU and implementation onsite Sharon
10:27 AM 8.00 hours (Obj. 9: Data management #1419 (New): Quaterly DQA activity proper (recount data, files crosscheck, document completeness etc))
DQA and restitution at CMA Mvogbesti Sharon
10:25 AM 6.00 hours (Obj. 9: Data management #1419 (New): Quaterly DQA activity proper (recount data, files crosscheck, document completeness etc))
DQA activities at CMA MvogAda Sharon
10:20 AM 6.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1591 (New): Individual tracking session with all retention APS on the remaining 1months clients, missed appointments, and PDVS)
follow up with APS on tracking outcomes, VAD, and RTT at site, prepared site for DQA activities as well, ensure avail... Sharon
09:52 AM 5.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1591 (New): Individual tracking session with all retention APS on the remaining 1months clients, missed appointments, and PDVS)
group calls with all APS for tracking of clinets lost, as at now, we have tracked and brought back 80 1month absences... Sharon
10:17 AM 2.00 hours (Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1576 (New): tracking of positives not linked to treatment in the previous week)
traking of positives not linked to care from previous weeks at CSI Emana, 02 clients not linked, one not yet ready re... Sharon
10:11 AM 4.00 hours (Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1163 (New): Organize and participate in monthly UPEC coordination/data validation meetings for facilties with both UPEC and TB Unit)
review of all program area performance for the month of July, gaps and challenges and review of preliminary data for ... Sharon
10:05 AM 4.00 hours (Obj. 11: Program Management #1539 (New): WEEKLY CQI MEETING )
ALL staff meeting for GU staff Sharon
10:04 AM 4.00 hours (Obj. 11: Program Management #1539 (New): WEEKLY CQI MEETING )
weekly CQI meeting with above site staff on review of key program activities Sharon
10:03 AM 3.00 hours (Obj. 9: Data management #1583 (New): Weekly data validation)
data validation at CSI Emana Sharon
10:01 AM 4.00 hours (Obj. 9: Data management #1583 (New): Weekly data validation)
weekly data validation and individual updates of APS tracking tools in the online tracking sheet for above site revie... Sharon
09:59 AM 1.00 hour (Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1220 (New): Ensure all patients screened for COVID-19 go through TB screening and vice-versa in all facilities)
Zoom meeting on updates of GLOBAL VAX activities with APS focal persons and major. Sharon
09:53 AM 1.00 hour (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1738 (In Progress): Review of Pediatric surge and testing of Adolescents)
review of testing activities for pediatric surge with APS testers and retention. Data updated in google sheet Sharon
09:45 AM 7.00 hours (Obj. 11: Program Management #1737 (New): weekly zoom CQI meeting to follow up site activities)
participated in the weekly CQI meetings above site Sharon


08:31 PM 4.00 hours (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1738 (In Progress): Review of Pediatric surge and testing of Adolescents)
Mentoring done on pediatric surge and resolutions taken on way forward to improve testing in the ages 1 to 19years Victorine Kum


10:16 PM 3.00 hours (Obj. 11: Program Management #1737 (New): weekly zoom CQI meeting to follow up site activities)
Weekly zoom CQI meeting on follow up of site activities and challenges addressed per program area Victorine Kum
09:51 PM 3.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1736 (New): Review of HVL register and EAC enrolment per cohort)
Review of HVL registers and EAC enrollment of patients with HVL into EAC sessions for enhanced counselling. Patients ... Victorine Kum
09:25 PM 4.00 hours (Obj. 11: Program Management #1735 (New): Evaluation of APSs)
Objective evaluation of APSs according to the performance grill Victorine Kum
03:01 PM 2.00 hours (Obj. 4: PMTCT services #1734 (In Progress): Mentoring done with APS PTME on correct follow up of pregnant women and proper documentation of all servies)
Mentoring on proper documentation on services offered to pregnant and breastfeeding women and update of registers. ap... Victorine Kum
02:38 PM 4.00 hours (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1733 (In Progress): Mentoring done with APS pediatric on proper documentation and good follow up of Expose and infected infants in HD Okola.)
Correct and proper documentation of expose infant cohort register and Pediatric CCM register. Document all PCR result... Victorine Kum
02:03 PM 4.00 hours (Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1732 (In Progress): Rapid case finding in the community in HD OKOLA day 2 of the activity)
Rapid case finding was done in Nemeyon day 2 of the implementation whereby 10 persons were tested for HIV with lots m... Victorine Kum

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