



From 08/08/2023 to 09/06/2023


10:15 PM 4.00 hours (Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1691 (In Progress): suivi des activités de pédiatrique surge )
l'activite suit son cou Antoinette


12:23 PM 4.00 hours (Obj. 9: Data management #1670 (New): validations des données de stock)
11:01 AM 1.00 hour (Obj. 10: Strength. Operations #1677 (New): COLLECTION FO TESTING MATERIALS FROM GU OFFICE)


04:51 PM 4.00 hours (Obj. 9: Data management #1664 (New): verification of documentation)
04:40 PM 2.00 hours (Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1663 (New): planification of rapid case finding at HD SOA )
rapid case finding plan with succes Antoinette


10:43 PM 4.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1615 (In Progress): CQI meeting on retention at HDCV)
CQI meeting on retention. Review of action and level of implementation. Progress made so far. Tracking of difficult p... Victorine Kum


12:51 AM 5.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1610 (In Progress): CQI meeting on Retention at Hopital Bethseda)
Meeting with site staff (Coordo, major, APS and data team)on retention catch up plan and tracking of LTFU and proper ... Victorine Kum


04:08 PM 2.00 hours (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1560 (New): Pediatric center of excellence)
Pediatric center of excellence Babara Ngum
04:04 PM 4.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480 (In Progress): Retention CQI and online report validation. )
Retention follow-up and CQI, Babara Ngum
03:38 PM 1.00 hour (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1511 (In Progress): Viral load monitoring and group calls. )
Follow up on viral load eligibility and uptake, and calls for viremic clients, to enroll into support groups Sharon
03:35 PM 2.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1556 (In Progress): CQI projet sur la retention)
Updates on CQI power point presentation to be shared with Dr Ignace and Dr Cynthia, follow up on stock management for... Sharon
03:33 PM 5.00 hours (Obj. 9: Data management #1567 (New): Data validation and review meeting to access gaps and set up a catch up plan to resolved issues identified)
follow up of all APS retention on data validation and individual tracking outcomes for each APS-ACRR-Data clerk pair ... Sharon
03:28 PM 1.00 hour (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477 (In Progress): Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing)
follow up on ICT pediatric surge testing with APS retention agents at CSI Emana Sharon
03:27 PM 1.00 hour (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477 (In Progress): Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing)
follow up on ICT pediatric surge testing with APS testers and retention Sharon
03:25 PM 3.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #691 (New): Support weekly retention meetings in all supported facilities using CQI approach and data visualized by cohort )
crisis meeting with technical director on way forward for sites with very poor retention rates, CQI projects developp... Sharon
03:24 PM 3.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1521 (New): tracking via call center)
Tracking of one- and two-month absences including Patients L2FU, call centers were supervised by Coordo, major and cl... Sharon
06:37 AM 4.00 hours (Obj. 11: Program Management #1593 (New): Attained Online Friday weekly CQI meeting.)
Hosted and moderated the Friday CQI meeting with focus on Retention and CQI updates. Zachary
06:34 AM 2.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1591 (New): Individual tracking session with all retention APS on the remaining 1months clients, missed appointments, and PDVS)
Follow up with APS who missplaced their fleet SIM cards to have them re-conducted. Zachary
06:31 AM 2.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1496 (New): APS tracking tool and expert clients)
Follow up retention activities at HD Eseka (Tracking of defaulters and missed appointments) Zachary
05:32 AM 2.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1496 (New): APS tracking tool and expert clients)
Virtual mentoring: Follow up of tracking activities of APS and orientation to close gap in retention. Zachary
06:28 AM 2.00 hours (Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab #1279 (New): Provide and ensure use of adequate material/required equipment (Standard logbooks*) for sample/result shipment)
Collection and delivery of office materials, SOPs, test kits etc Zachary
06:25 AM 2.00 hours (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1531 (New): suivi des activités de pediatrique surge )
Review of paediatric surge data of last week and mentoring to close gaps. Zachary
06:03 AM 2.00 hours (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1531 (New): suivi des activités de pediatrique surge )
Review of paediatric surge data of last week and mentoring to close gaps. Zachary
05:57 AM 2.00 hours (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1531 (New): suivi des activités de pediatrique surge )
Follow up retention activities at EPC Djoungolo (Tracking of defaulters and missed appointments). Challenges with two... Zachary
05:41 AM 2.00 hours (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1531 (New): suivi des activités de pediatrique surge )
Follow up pediatric surge activities at CM Espoir. Analysis of the total number of children tested from the backlog (... Zachary
06:23 AM 4.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1536 (New): CQI on retention)
Follow up on retention activities. Group calls with APS to track difficult clients. Brainstorming on root causes of p... Zachary
06:12 AM 2.00 hours (Obj. 11: Program Management #1539 (New): WEEKLY CQI MEETING )
CQI meeting with Dr Ignace to follow up retention activities in some poor performing sites. Recommendations: (1) Dr ... Zachary
05:51 AM 3.00 hours (Obj. 11: Program Management #1539 (New): WEEKLY CQI MEETING )
Hosted the Weekly CQI meeting with Majors to follow up on retention activities. Observed poor attendance this week. P... Zachary
06:01 AM 2.00 hours (Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1220 (New): Ensure all patients screened for COVID-19 go through TB screening and vice-versa in all facilities)
Follow up COVID-19 activities onsite; Sensitisation of team and re-engagement of the COVAX Focal point. Follow up doc... Zachary
05:30 AM 2.00 hours (Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1220 (New): Ensure all patients screened for COVID-19 go through TB screening and vice-versa in all facilities)
Follow up COVAX activities at CSC Nkolondom. At the moment, the site can only sensitise and refer clients who accept ... Zachary
05:44 AM 3.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1561 (In Progress): Follow-up of Retention and VL Update and suppression )
Follow up retention activities at CM Espoir (Tracking of defaulters and missed appointments). The site at the moment ... Zachary
05:25 AM 4.00 hours (Obj. 9: Data management #1405 (New): Routine monthly Data Quality Audits at all sites)
Analaysis of APS Monthly reports and preparation of APS salaries for the Month of July, 2023 Zachary


07:42 PM 6.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1588 (New): consultation et education thérapeutique)
consultation des patients présentant des plaintes liés et non liées au traitement; appel personnel et supervision des... Olivia
07:38 PM 2.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1587 (New): formation des centres d'excellence pédiatrique)
troisieme et dernier jour de formation de l'équipe pédiatrique du CHU sur la rétention et les groupes de soutient des... Olivia
04:44 PM 2.00 hours (Obj. 9: Data management #1583 (New): Weekly data validation)
data triangulation done Antoinette
04:40 PM 3.00 hours (Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1582 (New): verification of documentation at TB UNIT and the screening services documentation)
L'activite a ete effectue avec le point focal TB de la formation sanitaire Antoinette
04:32 PM 3.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1496 (New): APS tracking tool and expert clients)
activities started but not complete Antoinette
01:09 AM 2.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1556 (In Progress): CQI projet sur la retention)
distribution des taches des actions a mener Sauvia Laurisa
01:07 AM 6.00 hours (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1110 (New): Support implementation of WHO package of interventions for treatment of advanced HIV disease like 1) treatment (Tuberculosis, Cryptococcosis & Toxoplasmosis) and 2) prophylaxis for major opportunistic infections (Cotrimoxazole, fluconazole, INH), 3) rap)
reunion de collaboration avec le cnls Sauvia Laurisa
12:53 AM 2.00 hours (Obj. 2: Link to treatment #1549 (New): Tracking miss initiation)
follow up donne with APS testers Antoinette
12:44 AM 2.00 hours (Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #498 (New): Engage KP peer leaders/peer navigators and expert KPs in the sensitisation on PrEP services for demande creation.)
activities done Antoinette


03:45 PM 4.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480 (In Progress): Retention CQI and online report validation. )
Retention follow-up and CQI, Babara Ngum
03:22 PM 1.00 hour (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477 (In Progress): Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing)
Pediatric center of excellence Babara Ngum


05:20 PM 6.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480 (In Progress): Retention CQI and online report validation. )
Retention follow-up and CQI, Call Center/VL Babara Ngum
04:50 PM 1.00 hour (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477 (In Progress): Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing)
Pediatric center of excellence Babara Ngum
03:47 PM 5.00 hours (Obj. 9: Data management #1154 (New): 9.7. Program Evaluation )
Followed up on the tracking of clients per APS as per the retention QI project, added daily tracking follow up of mis... Sharon
03:39 PM 2.00 hours (Obj. 9: Data management #1154 (New): 9.7. Program Evaluation )
worked on the Y4 micro plan costed workplan for the TB program area. Also evaluated the minimum requirements for ICT/... Sharon
03:37 PM 1.00 hour (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1542 (New): suivi des activitées de charge virale élevée.)
workig session with Coordo on management of patinets with high viral load and reconstitution of support group activit... Sharon
10:39 AM 3.00 hours (Obj. 9: Data management #1399 (New): Support all meetings at facility level usiing CQI methodology and processes )
monthly retention meeting with data visualization for the month of July. at the end of July, retention stood at -269.... Sharon
10:31 AM 5.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1538 (New): linelisting of LTFU, TO AND DEATH to filled the tracking tool online sheet )
review and follow up of all APS tracking daily, on absences and L2FU. gaps identified with the number of L2FU from AP... Sharon
10:20 AM 5.00 hours (Obj. 11: Program Management #1539 (New): WEEKLY CQI MEETING )
Follow up on onsite tracking of all losses in Tx-Curr, verification of deaths and transfer outs and L2FU Sharon
09:28 AM 3.00 hours (Obj. 11: Program Management #1539 (New): WEEKLY CQI MEETING )
Weekly CI meeting with all GU staff, review of retention data, QI projects, SNS etc Sharon

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