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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Estimated time % Done
1460 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Mentor facility staff to record, capture and report service delivery 07/20/2023 09:18 AM

1459 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Weekly (every Thursday) virtual technical working group with the entire TIDE data team at site level (GU staff and RTG staff) on Report generation technique using EMR 07/20/2023 09:17 AM

1458 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Annual recycling of Data clerks on DAMA/EMR for both regions 07/20/2023 09:16 AM

1457 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Training of Data clerks on DAMA/EMR for both regions 07/20/2023 09:16 AM

1456 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Training of APS of both regions on M&E Tools 07/20/2023 09:15 AM

1455 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Training of Data clerks/ACRR and APS of both regions on M&E Tools 07/20/2023 09:15 AM

1454 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Update and enhance capacity of M&E Associates or MER updates, new reporting requirements, tools and innovations 07/20/2023 09:14 AM

1453 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Conduct quarterly Outcomes monitoring and evaluation meeting (OME) 07/20/2023 09:14 AM

1452 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Build capacity of staff to provide appropriate M&E services 07/20/2023 09:15 AM

1451 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Provide onsite M&E support and mentoring 07/20/2023 09:12 AM

1450 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Print out the SOPs and tools and Distribute to health Facilities 07/20/2023 09:11 AM

1449 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Develop missing SOPs and tools 07/20/2023 09:11 AM

1448 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Review Existing SOPs and tools 07/20/2023 09:10 AM

1447 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Provide and monitor the use of SOPs and tools for M&E 07/20/2023 09:10 AM

1446 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Optimize the Mobile Application for CBOs to ensure complete, timely, and quality bidirectional data flow for services rendered outside the clinics 07/20/2023 09:09 AM

1445 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Optimize the EID/VL/TB sample tracking and result management System to ensure complete, timely, and quality bidirectional data flow for services rendered outside the clinics 07/20/2023 09:09 AM

1444 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Update and Scale up Service Delivery App fo APS 07/20/2023 09:08 AM

1443 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Generate daily, weekly, and monthly reports from DAMA/EMR in each facility to improve timeliness of reporting, reliability, and data use within the clinics 07/20/2023 09:07 AM

1442 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Ensure synchronization of DAMA and availability of backups on drive 07/20/2023 09:07 AM

1441 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Complete monthly EMR/DAMA functionality assessments and ensure sites do not experience system downtime 07/20/2023 09:07 AM

1440 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Purchase equipment for the 23 new sites, replace/repaire at least 30% equipment in 73 old sites 07/20/2023 09:06 AM

1439 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Ensure availability of additional data clerks recruited in the East region to support facility data management processes and EMR updates 07/20/2023 09:06 AM

1438 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Monitor the Data clerks in high volume sites to ensure that daily entries are done with a <48-hour backlog at any point in time 07/20/2023 09:06 AM

1437 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Maintain mobile applications and reporting tools up to date 07/20/2023 09:05 AM

1436 TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 9: Data management New Normal Update DAMA/EMR based on regular (monthly/quarterly) functionality assessments 07/20/2023 09:05 AM

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